Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Home is where the art is.

Like you, I have some nice stuff - in our house we have some art (yeah, I'm pretty fancy), some jewelry (I like my grille icy, yo) and some collectible things that have some serious value (I'm big into Beanie Babies - they represent at least 50% of my investment portfolio).
As someone who has such incredible things, I make sure that they are covered on my insurance by scheduling them on my homeowner's policy. When you schedule items on your homeowner's insurance, you protect them with an "agreed value" - what they are worth is guaranteed, so that in the event of a loss you can be made whole by the insurance company. While you do have personal property coverage standard on your insurance policy, things that have high value may not be covered completely - things like jewelry and art have coverage limit caps. By scheduling such items, you are just telling the company in advance of a loss that you have these things, and that their value is "x". One of the best things about scheduling items is that by doing so you set them outside your deductible, so you can get full value in the event of a loss - and they are also covered if you just lose them.

Scheduling items isn't just for jewelry, art, or collectibles; you can also schedule sporting goods (and doing that insures them against breakage as well), guns, cameras, electronics, and much more. I don't see as many scheduled items as I should, in my opinion - take a look around your house and asses what you own. If you live the kind of opulent lifestyle that we do at my house, you should talk to your agent about scheduling some of your things. Better yet, call us and let us help you understand the kind of coverage that is available to you. Why pay for insurance if you aren't going to maximize its value to you? 214-253-0570

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Selfish for you.

So, I love money. I'll just put that right out front, before we even get started. Why do you need to know that about me? About all of us over here at The Phoenix insurance, really. It's important to know that because we all think that you feel the same way. So we save you as much money as we can on your insurance premiums by looking at a bunch of different options and companies. We do all of that just because we love saving people money so much. We revel in it here, telling each other war stories. "I saved her 21% a year" or "I packaged everything and he saved $900 a year..."

That is how we try to impress each other around the office. Do we make these savings for our clients by taking coverage off of their policies? Absolutely not. Usually we end up giving even more coverage for the dollar, protecting them and their stuff even better at a better price. We are greedy over here, but we are doing it for you. Selflessly selfish, that's us. Call us today and see.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

PIP Oh, woe is me.

Personal Injury Protection - what is it, and why should I get it?

PIP is a coverage designed to help you pay medical bills in the event of an accident, regardless of fault. Even better, PIP can be used even if you are not in your car; if you are cycling, jogging, or even waiting for the valet at your fancy restaurant. the greatest thing about PIP, in our opinion, is that it cannot be recovered if there is another coverage that pays medical bills.

I hear you out there scratching your heads - let me explain. If you are in an accident and have "medpay" coverage in the amount of $5000, that coverage would pay out for you immediately. However, if your health insurance pays in addition to that, or if the other insured's insurance pays for your medical bills, then the $5000 in medical payments coverage is taken off of the top - basically, you have to pay your benefits back. On the other hand, with PIP coverage, that money is also paid out immediately by your insurance, but it is not recoverable. If some other insurance company pays your medical bills, your PIP money stays in your pocket - they do not attempt to recover from anyone paying out. An easy way to look at it is that "medpay" coverage is a loan, while PIP is money that you get to keep.

The cost of PIP is generally a few dollars more (literally) for a policy term than the cost of Medical Payments  coverage - but it's a better way to spend your insurance money in the long run, if you are looking for some sort of bodily injury coverage.

Call us today and talk to an agent; we are more than happy to help you understand what you are purchasing, and more importantly, why you are purchasing it. Here at The Phoenix we are ready to serve you, and even more ready to put some money back in your pocket. Why not take a few minutes and see just how much we can save you?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why buy from us?

It's simple, really. In today's increasingly high priced world, there is no reason to waste money on insurance premiums when you have people like the agents at The Phoenix. We will shop your insurance through multiple companies to find you the best cost/ best coverage combination, and help you cover your property for much less than any other agent. As independent agents, we are not trying to place your business with any one company; instead, we are more willing (and able) to mix and match your policies in order to make sure that you have the absolute best price.

Sure, lots of times a company's package price is better than individual polices from different companies, but quite often your auto and home might be better served by going through two different companies. For example, we have a client whose home and auto quote came out to $3419 annually with a Travelers package - but when we separated the home and wrote it with a different company, it dropped the package price to $2919 a year. Obviously, in this case, the package isn't the best choice.

So why buy from us? We spend all day talking insurance - and looking at ways we can save our customers money, and cover them better than they were covered before. Give us a call today and see what we can do for you. The worst case scenario is that you will know that you already have a good deal with your current insurance carrier. Best case scenario we save you a thousand bucks. It happens every day, why not give us a chance?